Nursery and Childcare

We understand that it can be challenging to attend worship services with young children, so we offer a nursery and childcare program for children ages six months to four years old. This is a safe and nurturing environment where children can play, learn, and grow while you participate in the service.

Kidz Lab

We love having elementary children join us for Kids Lab each Sunday! After the Time for Children in the worship service, we invite kids to come to the Youth Room for Kids Lab. In this fun and interactive program, we explore the same Bible verses that are preached in the service, so children can learn about God's word at their level.

We follow the lectionary, so each week's lesson is based on the same Bible passages that are being preached in the service. This helps children to connect with the larger worshiping community and to deepen their understanding of the scripture.

We believe that children are important members of our church community, and we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can grow in their faith and develop meaningful relationships with each other and with God. We invite you to bring your children to Kids Live and Kids Lab and join us on this exciting journey of spiritual growth!

Parent's Night Out

Parents Night Out is a monthly event that provides a much-needed break for parents while their children engage in a fun-filled evening of games and activities. This program is designed to give parents the opportunity to enjoy a night out without worrying about childcare arrangements. Our experienced staff provides a safe and supervised environment where kids can socialize and have fun. Parents Night Out is a great way for families to connect with other members of the community and is a highly anticipated event each month.

Youth Group

Youth Group is open to students in grades 6-12 and promotes open-mindedness towards diverse perspectives. Depending on the topic of discussion, the group may be divided into middle and high school groups. There are also fun and educational outings, retreats, and service opportunities provided, along with a Montreat summer experience specifically for high school students. 


Confirmation for the Missional Church

We offer a Confirmation program to any student in middle school and above. The rite of confirmation through church history became a rite of passage, a coming of age and an affirmation of one's faith. At First Presbyterian Church of Naples, we realize that young people want to be inspired and missional confirmation inspires teenagers to change the world in big and small ways. This program is not about joining the church; it’s about joining the missional project initiated by Jesus and entrusted to the church.

Missional Confirmation strengthens confirmands:

-      In their identities as God’s image-bearing stewards of the goodness and beauty of creation

-      In the Spirit’s gifts of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge of the Lord and joy in God’s presence

-      In their vocations as members of the priesthood of all believers, commissioned for missional engagement in the world. 

Missional confirmation can be a seedbed for developing a new generation of disciples in the way of Christ. Adolescence is the perfect time to challenge students to a compelling vision of compassion and generosity guided by conversations with trusted adults in the church. This program consists of one retreat and eight post-retreat check-ins with an assigned mentor.

Copyright 2023 Mark D. Hinds

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